Albert S.’s

A few years ago, I did a Yelp search and Melody’s name came up with amazing reviews.  I definitely took note of all the glowing testimonials of Melody as a person and as a trainer, but my stubborn, out-of-shape self didn’t take the plunge.

Fast-forward to September 2013:  After gaining 30 pounds over the past 4 years, I decided enough was enough.  I wanted to learn how to play tennis, but I realized that I also needed to get in shape first.  So I finally emailed Melody to set up a fitness assessment and start training with her.  

Honestly, it was the best decision I ever made.  I typically attend the group sessions, with some individual sessions thrown in here and there.  Each time Melody switches up the exercises to keep the workouts fresh and interesting.  Oh, and if you’re worried about getting a tough enough workout, have no fear.  They are BRUTAL.  

Melody also happens to be a champion powerlifter, so she knows a thing or two about strength training.  At the same time, Melody will work with you to achieve your fitness goals, and you can make your workouts with her as challenging as you want.  She’s not a sadist, but she will kick your butt.  She’ll push you to get stronger and make you like it.

Did I mention that she’s got a great sense of humor and excellent taste in music?  And she’s also a licensed massage therapist, in case your body needs fixing after an intense workout.

In the three months I’ve worked out with Melody, I’ve lost 17 pounds.  And I plan to continue the awesome in 2014, with Melody’s help.  The proof is in the pudding.  

Sign up with Melody.  You won’t regret it!

-Albert S.

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